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Dispatch from Moscow (Part II)

On October 6, CBSHK Club hosted the second “Dispatch from Russia” webinar featuring distinguished MBA alum William Belov (CBS’14) and Boris Rozentul (CBS’17) attended by 29 alums from across Asia.   William and Boris shared with the group how they navigated challenges imposed by rising geopolitical tensions, sanctions and conscription in their business and personal lives.  The events over which they have little control severely disrupted their supplies, relationship with international vendors and the morale of their staff.   Boris impressed the audience with his informative analysis while William’s presentation was personal and powerful.  They urged younger alums to be watchful of their mental health and learn about  flexibility in this increasingly destabilized world. 

September 15

DimOrder - A Hong Kong Startup’s Journey

October 12

Mindful Leadership: Why It Matters Now